What users say about the Grucox Trainer
User Testimonials!
Pieter Steph du Toit (Springbok Rugby Player) - May 1, 2017 | |
After an ACL operation I started doing my rehab on the Grucox and it has made a significant difference in the strength and mobility of both my legs! As a professional rugby player time is money and I was adamant to get back on the field in as little time as possible. Due to the unique eccentric component which the bike offers, a significant benefit the Grucox offered me was that I could work extremely hard without taking any strain on my joints, enabling me to load both joints with twice as much force. This low impact benefit enabled me to start my rehab earlier than usual and essentially shortened my rehab time. I was back on the rugby field after only 3 and a half months which wouldn’t have been possible without the bike! I have found that the Grucox has aided in the enhancement of both my legs’ strength and explosiveness. Also, now as I approach the last 20 minutes of a game I can clearly feel that my training on the bike has increased my fitness and endurance levels. As a professional rugby player I have done all sorts of exercises to strengthen my legs, but I can testify with no doubt that I have never experienced something make such a difference both rehab, pre-hab and high-performance wise as the Grucox! It’s all about the bike! |
Cobus Reinach (Springbok Rugby Player) | |
Only two days after an ACL reconstruction I started training on the Grucox. It was the fastest manner of regaining optimal rotation in my knee. It expedited the process of getting a full range of flexion and extension in my knee and, as a result of the bike I’ve never since struggled with extending or flexing my leg. The eccentric motion of exercise also aided in me not losing muscle mass. Lastly, I also used the bike as a warm-up tool in obtaining my legs’ optimal rotation range and activated for gym training. It’s all about the bike! |
LeRoux and Nel Biokinetics | |
Six months ago we decided to acquire a Grucox Bike and it has been an excellent addition to our practice. What differentiates the Grucox from any other bike is that it causes the muscle to elongate in response to a greater opposing force. Benefits include:
When it comes to ACL rehabilitation, a significant and unique benefit that the Grucox offers is that one can work extremely hard without taking any strain on the joint. Every time the knee resists the pedal going upwards the muscle elongates, enabling the patient to load the joint with twice as much force as what he/she usually are able to take. |
Marius Fourie (Biokineticist) | |
We found the Grucox bike to be a very useful add-on to our rehabilitation practice. It could be used for both strength training as well as rehabilitation. In particularly, we found very positive outcomes with regards to patellar-tendinopathy rehabilitation. The Grucox bike was also a great tool for us to help build eccentric strength while taking strain off of the knee joint, which is quite useful in certain orthopedic rehabilitation scenarios. Feedback from our everyday clients and especially in those that were doing mountain biking or road cycling as a hobby, was that they felt so much stronger on their climbs going up a mountain or a hill. It also seemed to help with minimizing the recurrence of patellofemoral pain (in conjunction with other rehabilitation practices). All in all the Grucox bike was an excellent modality to add to our practice and give us another option in tools to use to reach our outcomes. |
Birgit Von Mollendorff Biokineticists | |
Case study 1: I had a young girl (24 of age) that has undergone a full knee re-construction in her right leg at the Chris Barnard Hospital due to a motor vehicle accident. Her program was to start with low speed and torque intervals for 30 minutes twice a week for the first two weeks. Thereafter we started with her rehabilitation program and additional two days with Grucox training. She regained full range of her knee; there was limited swelling and nearly full function of the leg in four months. I have not seen this quick recovery before, since I have started using the Grucox as part of a rehabilitation program. Case Study 2: A sixty year all women had to undergo a full hip replacement at Vincent Pallotti. Being slight immobile before her operation, we kept her going for the last few months on the Grucox as part of her pre-rehab (keeping her fitness, strength and muscle mobility up as far as possible). After two months she was back on the Grucox as part of her post- rehab program. She has regained her strength back to be able to walk, drive and do her program with much more effort than I have seen before with these cases. The Doctor was also very impressed with these results. Case Study 3: A fifty year old man had torn his Achilles tendon on an uneven sidewalk in Cape Town. Rushed to Hospital and later the Achilles was reattached with surgery. He walked in a Moonboot and being overdue with his rehabilitation he could barely move his foot as he was suppose to at that stage. He started just on the Grucox for twice a week for 30 minutes to build his strength, fitness and some form of muscle mobility. Within a month he was able to move better and his rehab once again was much more effective. |
Cathy Carstens Physiotherapist | |
I have many stories of how it has helped runners and cyclists strengthen their legs and compete again injury free. I use it to help post ACL repairs and we also use it on the other end of the spectrum for elderly patients and hip and knee replacements. We do experience astonishing results. My personal experience with the Grucox: “I was struggling with a chronic knee injury, it was permanently swollen and I couldn’t understand what was going on. I went to go and consult with Dr. Willem van der Merwe at the Sport Science Institute of Cape Town. He advised me to train on the Grucox and I am so grateful that I did! As a physiotherapist and a sports lover, I’ve done all sorts of exercises to strengthen my weak knee which has had more than five operations. I started training on the Grucox twice a week for four weeks, and it made a significant difference in the strength of my left leg! To such an extent that my left leg is now stronger than my right leg which is just amazing. I am back on my bicycle, racing and giving the young girls a hard time. I can honestly testify that I’ve never experienced something make such a difference as the Grucox! In conjunction with an holistic rehab program, the Grucox is an amazing machine to strengthen weak muscles in the lower leg and problematic areas. The Grucox did wonders for me and I recommend it to any physiotherapist or biokineticist, as well as anyone with lower leg problems.” Cathy is a top cyclist (5x winner of the Cape Town Cycle tour, World Champ 2008 and 2017(veterans age 45-49 years) and also first Lady Legend of the Pedal). |
Mariske Strauss | |
“The past couple of years I’ve had a bad streak with injuries, the latest one being an ankle strain in my right leg. The Grucox really came in very handy during my rehab, to get that extra strength and mobility going again.” South African and African Cross Country Mountain Bike Champion. |
Adin Masencamp | |
I have found that the Grucox added value to my surfing ability in the sense that it has really strengthened my legs, enabling me to be a lot stronger than I used to be. It is user friendly and I can come in on my own time, set it up and complete a session. U/18 South African Men’s Surfing Champion |